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Postpartum Doula Visits 

Postpartum Doula Visits Central Coast

In the weeks after we become mothers we experience a huge transformation - when a baby is born so is a mother.


During my visits I will provide you with the support, nurturing and nourishment, comfort and practical tips and tools to help you heal and recover emotionally, physically and spiritually. 


Your mind and body deserve this special care and attention and I am committed to supporting your health and well-being during this incredible yet intense time. As a Postpartum Doula I will help you connect with and trust in your intuition supporting you to emerge from your transition into motherhood feeling strong, calm and connected with your bub and yourself.

Mamma Nurture Postpartum Doula home visit inclusions
(but not limited to)



  • Specific Ayurvedic postpartum food cooked for you to nourish your soul and heal your body (I provide all the ingredients needed and leave you with at least one stew/soup and snacks for the week)

  • Specific nutritious snacks, soothing teas and drinks to support feeding, sleep, digestion, milk supply, mind and body balance



  • I am a trained postpartum masseuse, I will be able to relieve aches and pains post birth, neck and shoulder aches from from feeding (lots of neck pains here), foot and leg massage to release stress and fatigue.

  • Postpartumm rituals including

    • Belly Massage

    • Warming Moxa

    • Belly Binding


Emotional and Mental Support

  • Birth story debrief and support

  • Posptartum Creating a blissful, calm environment for you

  • An understanding, sensitive and caring ear to help you process all the new emotions you feel when transitioning into motherhood

  • Mindfulness tools, tips and ideas to support your emotional recovery and balancing emotions

  • Mediations and relaxations to help create connection with your new role as a mamma, while easing anxiety and calming your mind

  • Setting up calming Mamma Time daily rituals to support your mental and emotional recovery


Newborn Support

  • Support on settling, sleep and newborn behaviour (Trained in the Possums Sleep Program)

  • Breastfeeding, bottle and combi feeding support

  • Baby Massage techniques to support sleep, wind & colic, relaxation and bonding


postpartum doula Central Coast

Mamma Nurture Postpartum Package Options

Seed Package

  • One face-face prenatal session (of 1.5 hours) which includes creating a beautiful Mamma Nurture Postpartum Plan along with selecting your meals from my Mamma Nurture Postpartum first 6 week Meal Plan

  • Three home visits of three hours each (nine hours in total)​


Sapling Package

  • One face-face prenatal session (of 1.5 hours) which includes creating a beautiful Mamma Nurture Postpartum Plan along with selecting your meals from my Mamma Nurture Postpartum first 6 week Meal Plan

  • Six home visits of three hours each (18 hours in total)​


Full Bloom Package

  • One face-face prenatal session (of 1.5 hours) which includes creating a beautiful Mamma Nurture Postpartum Plan along with selecting your meals from my Mamma Nurture Postpartum first 6 week Meal Plan

  • Eight home visits of three hours each (24 hours in total)​


Postpartum Doula visits on the Central Coast NSW

To find out more about my packges and the investment for postpartum support please fill in the below form and my Mamma Nurture Postpartum Packages and inclusions will be emailed over to you.


I cannot wait to connect.

Thank you for getting in touch!

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