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5 ways to prepare your mind and body for the birth of bub and you as the mother!

Writer: Kathryn StonemanKathryn Stoneman

This is being written as I myself enter the last month of pregnancy for my third bub. I am sharing exactly what I am doing in order to prepare my mind and body for the birth of bub and also the birth of me as a mother.

Preparing your mind and body for birth is so very important, and I am just focusing on our mind and body here. If we can have our mind in a positive mindset for our birth journey and if your body is in optimal condition for the birth then this in turn is obviously going to have a positive affect on the birth of us and bub! All these things are simple, effective and FUN!

1. Prenatal massage/body work

Prenatal massage/body work favourite things to do and as i move into my final month I am scheduling in proper body work every other week if not weekly. So to start off with there are two types of pregnancy massage one you get at a spa called something like Mamma-to-be massage these are lovely and relaxing and make you feel totally zen and its beautiful to have a couple of these throughout your pregnancy. BUT what I am having is proper pregnancy/prenatal bodywork this is focusing on specific muscles in our pregnant body that we use to help baby grow and during labour. The body work focuses on releasing tension in these areas, opening up space in our body enabling baby to move into optimal position ready for birth. Remember Optimal body condition can help optimal baby position.

Do some research and find a great local pregnancy body workers, some doulas offer this and also physiotherapists.

2. Meditations and visulisations

Working on our mindset with visualisations of the birth we desire can be an extremely effective way to prepare mind for birth. You will be able to then go into this headspace during birth and keep that visualisation clear in your mind to take you through the intense birthing journey. I find the App Insight Timer to have beautiful visualisations and meditations for birth - choose and bookmark your favourite, listen to them each night as you fall asleep and be sure to pack headphones in your birthing bag so you can even listen to them during your birth.

3. Birthing Ball Exercises

These are great to do at the start and end of each day to release any aches and pains and can just be five minutes doing a few stretches or even a mini 'workout'. I will be honest and say I am using my birthing ball for stretching and also practicing birthing positions with my partner. Here are a few links and videos I have found which give you stretches, workouts and positions.

4. Creating a birth vision board

This is one thing I am currently doing now and loving it. It is well and truly a beautiful way to prepare your mind for a positive and empowering birth.

I am creating a board that I plan on taking into the birthing suite with me to look at, inspire and empower me to move through my birthing journey. This is what I am placing on my board:

  • Drawings from my little girl which bring me smiles

  • Affirmation notes which my friends and family have written for me

  • Pictures of the process of birth to remind me that bub and I have got this we are a team and we can do this together

  • Fairy lights

  • Sprigs of lavender

  • Photos of my family

5. Prenatal yoga or pilates

Yoga and pilates are amazing at ensuring your body is fit, open, flexible and ready for birth. They are also amazing in giving you breathing techniques that you can use during labour which is vital to ride through those surges. They can also be a great way to meet other mammas-to-be but if you cannot get toa physical class a quick online session is defo the next best thing!

Here is the link to my favourite go to videos -

Here are a few other things you can also be doing to prepare for your birth which I have already done:

  • Create a birth map - I offer virtual and in person birth mapping session leaving you feeling empowered, knowledgeable and prepared for your birth journey

  • Pack your hospital bag - I have create the Essential Series which gives you checklists of all the things you, your bub need from birth to postpartum. Check out my shop to download.

  • Take part in a birthing workshop - I can highlight recommend hypnobirthing and also if you book a doula they can include birthing training too.

Mammas this is such an exciting time for you and I want you to enjoy, lap up and spend some time with yourself and bub building connection, strong mind and body ready for the powerful journey of both you and bub! Enjoy trying a few or maybe all of the above ways to prepare your mind and body ready for birth.

As always sending love, hugs and positive birthing vibes.



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