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Mindful hypnobirthing central coast

Birth Doula Support

What would it be and feel like going into the birth of your bub feeling confident, prepared and empowered?

That is what having a birth doula is all about and I will be here to support you through your pregnancy ans empower you towards having the best birth experience possible. Having someone by your side, in your corner listening to your needs and desires will be truly amazing and I would be honoured to be part of your special support team. 


In the lead up to your birth I will support you and your partner in building birthing knowledge, tapping into your innate intuition to birth your baby and offer heaps of practical tips and tools to support your birth.


Seed Birth Package

This beautiful birth package is all about building an amazing support team who understand and will advocate for your wants and needs during birth. This package also allows for you and your partner to build a toolkit of birth knowledge both practical and emotional and for us all to be in harmony throughout your birth.

This package includes:

2 x 2 hour face-to-face prenatal sessions which include:

  • birth mapping

  • talioured birth education

  • Mindful Hypnobirthing techniques

  • practical tips and tools for both you and your partner for birth.

Phone, text, email support from the moment you are booked.


Access to your very own Mamma Nurture portal which includes all my resources, videos and any evidence based research on various topics we cover in our chats.

On call from 38 weeks until bub's arrival

Emotional, physical, mindful hypnobirthing support during your labour. Access to my doula bag of birthing tricks from essential oils to accupressure birth relief balls!

Birth and postpartum doula central coast nsw
birthing options in nsw

Sapling Birth & Postpartum Package

This beautiful birth and postpartum package gives you everything included in the Seed Birth Package along the additional postpartum support! This package is all about nurturing and nourishing you mamma through pregnancy, birth and postpartum.

This package includes:

2 x 2 hour face-to-face prenatal sessions (as above)

1 x 1.5 hour face-to-face prenatal session which focuses on planning for your postpartum and my Mamma Nurture Postpartum Nurture Plan.

Phone, text, email support from the moment you are booked.


Access to your very own Mamma Nurture portal which includes all my resources, videos and any evidence based research on various topics we cover in our chats.

On call from 38 weeks until bub's arrival

Emotional, physical, mindful hypnobirthing support during your labour. Access to my doula bag of birthing tricks from essential oils to accupressure birth relief balls!

3 x 3 hour (total 9 hours) postpartum home visits which include (but not limited to):

  • Emotional and mental support as you transition into motherhood

  • Postpartum massage and relaxations

  • Postpartum closing rituals incuding belly massage and moxa

  • Home cooked Ayurvedic meals and snacks ( I bring all the ingredients and will leave you with at least one large soup/stew and a heap of yummy snacks)

  • Newborn sleep and behviour support

  • Breastfeeding, bottle and combi feeding support

  • Baby massage techniques

  • Loving arms to hold bub so you can rest

Full Bloom Birth & Postpartum Package

This beautiful birth and postpartum package gives you

everything included in the Sapling Birth Package along the an extra three postpartum home visits. Ensuring your totally nurtured and nourished throughout those first 6 weeks enabling you to heal from the inside out.

This package includes:

2 x 2 hour face-to-face prenatal sessions (as above)

1 x 1.5 hour face-to-face prenatal session which focuses on planning for your postpartum and my Mamma Nurture Postpartum Nurture Plan.

Phone, text, email support from the moment you are booked.


Access to your very own Mamma Nurture portal which includes all my resources, videos and any evidence based research on various topics we cover in our chats.

On call from 38 weeks until bub's arrival

Emotional, physical, mindful hypnobirthing support during your labour. Access to my doula bag of birthing tricks from essential oils to accupressure birth relief balls!

6 x 3 hour (total 18 hours) postpartum home visits which include (but not limited to):

  • Emotional and mental support as you transition into motherhood

  • Postpartum massage and relaxations

  • Postpartum closing rituals incuding belly massage and moxa

  • Home cooked Ayurvedic meals and snacks ( I bring all the ingredients and will leave you with at least one large soup/stew and a heap of yummy snacks)

  • Newborn sleep and behviour support

  • Breastfeeding, bottle and combi feeding support

  • Baby massage techniques

  • Loving arms to hold bub so you can rest


birth and postpartum doula central coast nsw
Birth and postpartum doula central coast nsw

Fill in your details below and I will email you through my Mamma Nurture Birth Packages, extras you can also book and costings.

Estimated Due Date
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